
  • abdul haris subarjo Adisutjipto Institut of Aerospace Technology
  • Nurcahyani Dewi Retnowati Adisutjipto Institute Of Aerospace Technology



Morals, Games, Design, Anti-Corruption Education


Anti-corruption education is an action to control and reduce corruption in the form of a whole effort to encourage future generations to develop an attitude of resolute rejection of every form of corruption. With the existence of anti-corruption education, it is hoped that it will be able to demonstrate Pancasila morals. In learning about anti-corruption education can use an interactive media. Therefore it is necessary to design anti-corruption learning media. The media can help elementary school children to understand more about anti-corruption. The results of the game test on 30 elementary school students, it can be seen that 84% of respondents thought that the game application could run very well, 92% of respondents thought that the language used in the application was very good, 88% of respondents thought the use of images in the game supported material, 88% of respondents think that the game exercises are in accordance with the material, 76% of respondents think that the appearance of the game is very interesting.


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Author Biography

abdul haris subarjo, Adisutjipto Institut of Aerospace Technology

Mechanical Engeneering


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How to Cite

subarjo, abdul haris, & Retnowati, N. D. (2023). DESAIN DAN OPTIMASI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF ANTI KORUPSI UNTUK MENUNJANG PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER GENERASI MUDA. Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, 7(2), 92–100.